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First And Foremost, We Are So Glad You Are Here!

Hello and Welcome to the world of The Eastern Loom! We are slow fashion brand that places a strong focus on women empowerment, up-cycling, ethics, and faire trade. We believe we can make the world a more beautiful place through an “ethically elevated” approach. By prioritizing artistry over efficiency, fair wages over profits, sustainability over mass production, and quality craftsmanship over mindless consumption. Our dedication toward sustainable fashion can change and build a new way to live in harmony with people and planet.

We're A Woman-Owned, Family-Run Small Business

I, Akanksha started small out of my home in 2020 with my partner Saransh, sisters Mini and Devi and our incredibly talented and hardworking artisan partners who came from small villages of India. Together, we try to bring the spirit of traditional India into Textiles to keep the artisanal handcrafted magic alive and is still affordable to everyone. At The Eastern Loom, you can shop with confidence knowing all our products are Faire Trade certified and Ethically Made. We bring the hard work of the artisans to fruition by making sure that the artisans are fairly paid and have an ethical working atmosphere and standards.

Our Specialization

Our products range from up north Kashmir to Western India Rajasthan & Gujarat! We specialize in Kantha bedspreads throws, winter blankets, winter wraps, textile wall decor, sustainable upcycled Silk Kimonos, cushion covers, meditation cushions, handloom rugs, floor cushions.

Our Values

Fair Trade

Our products are adhere to faire trade guidelines and labor practices. The makers and artisans employed were paid a living wage and are provided safe and healthy working conditions.


All our collections are handmade in small batch by our team of talented and hardworking artisans from the surplus fabric procured by us, which are then beautifully made in our production unit based in Jaipur, India.

Sustainable Material

Our Products are made with Sustainable Materials – means earth-friendly and responsibly harvested.


Our products are crafted from discarded materials, such as old saris and cotton fabrics, which we recycle to breathe new life into fashion and home furnishings. By repurposing these materials, we not only reduce waste but also contribute for both the environment and the people involved. Each product carries a unique story and history, adding a touch of creativity and individuality to our designs.

Zero Waste

Our aims is to minimize waste generation and reduce our impact on the environment. We strive to eliminate or significantly reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills or incinerators.

Women Owned

As a women owned business – we mean at least 51% of our team who make our product are Women. We not only embodies the values of empowerment and equality, but also serves as a shining example of the strength, creativity, and a commitment to make a positive impact.

Join us on this Journey toward a more conscious way of consuming!

Read more on how we do it!